If you haven't seen this yet. Watch it below. If you are still able to read when the social video essay is complete, scroll down and read some additional Eric thoughts. True wisdom is further down the page; you will want to read on. Just saying. Now, here's the video.
I have two darling daughters. I try not to overly complicate their lives, but I want them to grow up understanding that they are, in fact, NOT entitled to whatever they want simply because they want it. I had it good growing up. I had some chores, but I had it really easy. I did get a job in high school. I learned first-hand what it was like to be responsible for school, homework, work, and housework. Social life? If there was time. So I applaud these parents for teaching their daughter that life is about effort, not entitlement.
And now the "however." Is it a good idea to publicly humiliate your kid just to get a point across? Step back a sec. Is it ever "right" for a parent to purposefully cause public humiliation for their children? It's rhetorical. I don't know the answer. I do think allowing 3 million views (as of 2/10/2012) on YouTube is a bit ridiculous though. If the point was to help your kid understand respect for her parents, allowing her childish immaturity to be broadcast to (at least) 3 million people is harsh at least and cruel at worst.
When this went viral, dad should have taken the video down. There's no need to make a spectacle out of your kid. Did she deserve the "tough love?" Sure, no question. But is this really "tough love" anymore, or are we approaching self-stardom here? I'm leaning toward the latter. But don't you think for one second I'm telling that to this guy's face (or on my Facebook page).
Hey kids, just because your dad wears a Stetson and smokes cancer candy, that doesn't mean he is completely retarded - especially when he works in the IT sector. I'm sorry kids, dads are pretty crafty animals. Act right, do what you're told, and remember, we just want you to be able to survive once we can't take care of you anymore - at least that's what motivates the good ones.
Good night, and good luck!