I'm a very lucky guy. Seriously. I have an amazing family, an amazing job, and I am surrounded by things that just bring joy to my life. Lucky. Like I said. There are some things that I always wanted when I was growing up. There are some things I still want. (And yes, I'm still working on the growing up thing.) One of those things I always wanted as a kid and still want as a semi-adult is a life full of flying. I love to fly. Seriously, I really, really love to fly. I've always wanted to fly, and I've always wanted to have a family of my own that shared my love for flight. Like the other lucky aspects of my life, I've got that family. |
![]() So somehow, it has been almost a year since I captured any of my supremely wonderful musings on this here blog. Maybe I was busy? Yep, that's probably it. I have been very, very busy. Still, you would think I might have come across something important to say in all that time! Well, for better or worse, here's my attempt to catch up. It's been a crazy year, both professionally and personally. Time passes by too quickly. Man, if I could only go back and convince my younger self of that fact! I thought time would never hurry up. Now, a year goes by in the flash of an instant. ![]() It occurred to me today that my life has just reached a major milestone. It can be argued that we all pass one of those every day we're still alive, but this is one of those major ones. Like when you finally land the career you want, when you finally save up enough to buy that boat you've always wanted, or when your last kid finally moves out of the house (I suppose), this is one of those signposts in life where I feel like I will be able to look back and measure time that occurred before and time that has come after it. Watch the first episode of the newest and most awesomest segment on this here website! It's See Eric Go Commutin'!
You care where I go and how I get there. You might not be aware of it yet, but you actually do. To satisfy your needs, and your sense of humor, please enjoy this gem of a video, from my heart to yours. Drive safely my friends! ![]() Up until January 20, 2013, my favorite thing I had ever done in an airplane was to fly a King Air 200 at FL230 over Atlantic City, NJ, at sunset. That might sound pretty outstanding to you too. If you have any interest in aviation or really awesome things, it should. It's still one of those aviation moments I will never forget, but it has been replaced as my all-time favorite. My new favorite aviation experience was getting some one-on-one time with a beautiful and truly unique airplane, the Consolidated B-24 Liberator. It's number 252534, the last Liberator still flying. Out of 18,000 that were manufactured, this is the last one that flies. This was truly a once in a lifetime kind of experience. ![]() "Like sand through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives." Not only have the last four months faded away like sand through an hourglass, it also passed very much like a cheesy, unbelievable, day-time soap opera. Suffice to say, I would rather not repeat them anytime soon. Let's recap, shall we? New job, new place to live, selling current new house, new work drama, old work drama, sick wife, sick kids, sick me, more drama, sick relatives, surgery, drama, drama, drama, and then there's the kicker - this is not a dream; it's my real life. My greatest fear is that I will somehow screw up my kids in some irreversible way that causes them great harm and me great guilt for their entire lives. My wife has this fear ever more deeply rooted than me, often breaking down into tears wondering whether or not we're doing this parenting thing right, or at least well enough to get by. The real fear for me is not how they behave or think or feel while they are under my roof. I think my wife zones in more on that aspect of it. For me, the real dilemma is dealing with how they act when I can't get to them, when I can't directly direct them, when they are on their own.
So it's been over a month since I posted something on the ole Life Blog. That does not mean that nothing has gone on in my life for the last month. Quite the opposite, I've been the busiest I have been in recent memory. I keep passing by my own site every once and a while wondering, "why doesn't that guy ever post anything?" Imagine my horror when I realized that that guy was actually me and that I have been completely lax on posting all the craziness going on in my life.
Rather than belabor a bunch of stuff, I though I'd just sort of photoblog the last month for visual reference purposes. I mean come on, none of you actually care about the inner thoughts of my mind do you? (But seriously, you don't right? That's kinda creepy.) So anyway, follow along below as the last month goes whizzing by in spectacular form. Ok, so I love infographics. I love them too much. Honestly, I need an intervention. However, barring that dreaded day, I will continue to post awesome infographics as I discover them on the interwebs.
Today's submission is an excellent bit of artwork that depicts the human body as a subway map. It is a very interesting concept, and one that really helps you get a good feel for how the body's systems do their work and how they interrelate. Now I understand this is grade school stuff, but seriously, the human body is pretty freaking amazing. Here's a map to prove it! ![]() Somehow, and I am earnestly trying to figure out how I let this happen, my little girl became a two-year-old today. I'm pretty sure that she cannot really be that old. There is no way that I've had her for two years! Regardless of my desires, she did in fact age. And you know, that's really just fine. I am so very proud of her, the progress she's made, and the person she is becoming. It is really amazing to see this kid, that used to not be able to keep her eyes still in her skull, ride a scooter and sing and dance. ![]() I know I'm a lucky guy to have the two amazing kids I have, but there is still a bit of reluctance to watch them grow up and move beyond their need for you. I was talking with the wife about this last night, and she's obviously a little more torn up about it than I am. I thought about "growing up" and what that actually means. I told her, and I truly believe, that if we look back at the time that's gone, there is an obvious sadness for us. But, if we look forward at all the time we have in front of us, there is an excitement and an anticipation of the things to come. It won't always be easy, but it wasn't easy back then either. For now, I just enjoy today, because there is no promise of tomorrow for any of us. I enjoy every little smile and silly face. Penelope is two years old today. That's a lot of smiles behind me, but hopefully, a whole lot more in front of me. Sweetheart, have a great birthday! I'm happy for you, and I'm also really, really impressed that I did something that allowed you to live this long. Yippee for both of us.
Life BlogLiving the life and writing (some of) it down for your reading excitement. Archives
September 2014